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This is just delightful. I’m a big fan of stop motion in general, but when it involves Lego AND breakfast? Yes! The usual home-made Lego stop motion movies are character based famous scene recreations; which is handy as the audio is right there already. But this...
Perfect Holiday

Perfect Holiday

Come on, who doesn’t like a bit of low-fi stop motion animation? ‘Perfect Holiday’ by Karim Rejeb was produced back in 2012 as a music video for SMILE’s EP. Created using PlayMobile figures and vehicles, the video is mostly surfing using a hugh...
Tic Toc

Tic Toc

This beautiful little stop motion short chronicles the very short life of Tic Toc as he is brought briefly into existence from a simple push of his activate button. It’s very simple, beautifully animated and emoted and…..well…..good luck trying not to cry:
Mini Ninjas

Mini Ninjas

This stop motion Ninja battle from Oliver Trudeau is spectacular. The art style, the cinematography, the choreography, the animation…the skills on show here are many. At some points it actually feels like real actors scanned into a scene to be copied, but no…this is...