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Star Wars Infographic

Star Wars Infographic

Yes, of course I’m a Star Wars fan, and so are you probably….so get ready for this monumental infographic. Martin Panchaud has outlined the entirety of ‘A New Hope’ in one continuous graphic. Every scene, every character, every layout, every...
Game of Thrones Intro: Super Mario

Game of Thrones Intro: Super Mario

As a fan of both of these wonderful things, how could I not love this GOT, Super Mario mash up?! That 8 bit version of the soundtrack too! I love how every little detail has been paid real attention too, including the house banners in the titles. Check it out...
Meta Augmented Reality

Meta Augmented Reality

As a virtual reality enthusiast and Oculus Rift owner; my radar pinged when Meta floated by. Meta (and soon Meta 2) is an augmented reality headset that allows users to interact with their content with their actual hands. The applications for use are incredibly...
Disney & Dali Collaboration

Disney & Dali Collaboration

This incredible collaboration between Walt Disney and Salvador Dali began production in 1945, 58 years before its eventual completion. The project remained a secret for some time, and the end goal was to produce an experimental film along the lines of Disney’s wildly...
Perfect Holiday

Perfect Holiday

Come on, who doesn’t like a bit of low-fi stop motion animation? ‘Perfect Holiday’ by Karim Rejeb was produced back in 2012 as a music video for SMILE’s EP. Created using PlayMobile figures and vehicles, the video is mostly surfing using a hugh...