by Jody Clarke | May 27, 2015 | Freelance
I can completely relate to this summary from Creative Digest on the difficulties of freelancing. More of often than not, I am asked what it’s like not having a boss and how great it is being able to do what I want, when I want – but this couldn’t be further from...
by Jody Clarke | May 19, 2015 | Technology
It does kind of feel a bit magical doesn’t it: WI-FI charging. Not so, say a team from the University of Washington, who have purportedly developed a system that can recharge batteries, through the air, from up to 28 feet away. The ‘simple’ premise is that a...
by Jody Clarke | May 12, 2015 | Service
Be honest, how often do you actually read the terms and services of something you are signing up for? It’s never isn’t it? You never ever do? I could of sold my soul multiple times and I wouldn’t have a clue, just give me my new service, app, update and stop bothering...